
As mentioned in previous postings, I read the book Restless by Jennie Allen and it was just as good as I had hoped it would be. I made it a point to take notes as I read on things that really stood out to me and found myself pulling snip-its of sections that made sense with not only myself but some of the people I hold dearest.

The first thing I do when I pick up a book and read the cover and judge the illustration and the overall summary on the back. Now I know, I do the one thing momma always said to never do… and that’s judge a book by its cover. Although I must say it has never steered me wrong when it comes to actual books. With this book the big question on the back stood out to me first… Do you feel like you’re missing something? Seeing how most people aren’t truly satisfied with themselves or maybe aspects of their lives, I am sure a lot of people raise an eyebrow at this question and take the time to come up with an answer. I decided to read and find out.

“Wild things have restless wings that too often need to fly” – Michael Xavier

I waited some time into reading to begin noting the parts that stood out to me but believe me when I say this book is worth the full read from start to finish.

In chapter 11, she mentions an arrow. The way she utilizes its symbolizing motion is to me quite different than most people. When someone gets a tattoo of an arrow it is supposed to symbolize shooting forward and the strength it requires to do so, but she describes the arrows path, direction and that direction that “technically has no end.” The arrow you are about to shoot is pointing to something, and that line is going to lead it there. So the arrow that is our life, is not by accident and it is always leading to something.

Chapter 14 mentions the one thing that most people have the hardest time with and that is being present in the moment of your life. If you are physically there, be there. Not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually. Allen says, “Let him be God, move on with what you know and quit over analyzing what you don’t.” Such a powerful sentence in itself because how can you be present in a moment when you are constantly worrying about other things. Like Joseph, you have to trust in the things life has to offer, instead of focusing on the bad that may be surrounding you. Be good where you are, and that promise will come through.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. – Phil. 4:6-7

In chapter 15, I was stopped immediately within the first three pages because Allen began to speak of the people who accompany us in life and how some people tend to piddle. There is a great risk in bringing people in close to you. No one actually likes to give someone the power to hurt them but the truth is, and Allen says this… “we are all jacked up.” There are people who hurt me and there are people who I hurt, but you don’t love those people any less. Instead of just “piddling” around in someone’s life, choose to be there or leave, because truly caring for someone will never be easy and you can’t just up and run every time it is not.

This chapter (cont. 15) honestly made me immediately think of one of my greatest friends. Initially it was the mention of running because Lord knows she loves too, but that’s aside from the point. We have had a rocky friendship the last 3 years and I can’t deny I am largely to blame. I am just one of those people who so easily gets caught up in everyday life that I tend to let some friendships hang out on the back burner. It doesn’t mean I don’t care, I just feel constantly overwhelmed with how busy life is, and when you’ve been best friends since the 8th grade you face many changes and go down many different paths. I HAVE hurt her, I HAVE let her down and we HAVE certainly disagreed a time or ten, but even when shes hurt me too… the thought of losing her as a friend just was never worth it. It’s just one of those friendships you fight for even when it’s tough.

I guess what I am trying to say is friendships, relationships and families all bring a different kind of love and risk to the table and you KNOW when you meet someone if they are worth the risk. It’s crazy to believe I am going to continue to meet people who change my life but that’s also the beauty of it.

“I am a rescued mess of a human, and so are you. And we will hurt each other sometimes because that’s what jacked up humans do. But I still need you.

We keep running together, even though we hurt each other.”

Chapter 17 — I am constantly reminded everyday that I need God and that is a genuinely refreshing feeling because I know he is there and guiding me forward.  There are some days that I need him more than others. Allen remembers she needs God for many reasons but four that are specified and that I completely agree upon and those are when: I feel tangled up with sin and fear… (2 Tim. 1:7), I don’t know what to do… (John 10:27), I forget… (John 14:26), and I am discouraged… (Rom. 8:26).  

In chapter 21, I almost felt the need to skip it because most of it was not apply to me yet, but being the book worm that I am I read through it soaking in stuff that I could resort back to when the time came. While reading through though, I found myself stopped at page 192… Choose Fewer Voices. These few paragraphs would truly stand out to the “people pleasers” out there because these are the people who listen to the opinions of everyone and try desperately to please them and everyone is a little guilty of that, but in some cases it’s not a bad thing. You can decided the few who you will listen too, but forget the rest because who are those to tell you what to do, how to live or what to think. I always find myself getting on to my roommate about this. She is such a beautiful person, inside and out, but the constant seek for approval so clearly consumes her. I do my best to not sound judgmental when I give her that critique because then I just sound like another person telling her how to be. She will figure it out though, with the good people she has around her, she will learn about herself what most people already see.

Chapter 22, “Win the Day” 〉 This is fantastic. I can’t tell you how many days I have lived dreaming of the ones ahead, it’s sad really. I mentioned earlier in the post, be all there, and this section goes right back to that. Allen says, “Don’t dream of winning Super Bowls or even Saturday’s game on Monday morning. Win practice that day, in that moment. Win that day, whatever it holds.” I hate to look back and think of all those days I spent dreaming of the next because time is standing still and time is one of the many things in this life you are not guaranteed. Reading this book really taught me that the restlessness I was feeling was justified, but that I could be happy in day to day life regardless. With having so much to be thankful for I know that I will do just as Mrs. Allen says, and that is to win the day and run the steps in front of me.

“Great people don’t do great things. God does great things with surrendered people. And surrendered happens every day in one thousand small moments.”

I found this book the day I went to The Grove, and gosh I am so glad that I did. I love those moments when I realize that I was in the right place at the right time or those when I learn the lesson of the person who wasn’t supposed to stay. I especially love when your path takes you to people who you never knew you’d need. Some of the worst days are helping you get to the best, and when I get to those better days I always laugh and shake my head a little because I think, “I see what you did there.

It has been a pleasure writing this post and I have to shout out to Jennie Allen (who will probably never see this), this book changed me, and the way I look at life. I am forever grateful for that moment.

Jennie Allen Restless



New Beginnings

Now it has been awhile since my last post so this one may or may not be lengthy, but that’s always the fun of spilling your thoughts out. Any who… Naturally the title to this post seems a little cliche coming after the new year, but so much has changed in such a short period of time that it was just so fitting.

I’ll start by wishing everyone a
! May your year be full of new adventures, lessons to learn and resolutions you will complete!


I found myself closing out December with no real resolutions, other than to continue living life exactly how I was doing so. I mean why would I resort to resolutions to change aspects of my life that I was already so satisfied with. I have great friends, loving family and an amazing guy. However, being back in my moms house in my senior year of college was not going as I had hoped.

Five months into living at home and I really thought I was about ready to pull my hair out and I hated that because I love my mom and brother but being 23 and home just was not for me. I know multiple people who move back home during their final year of school or right after graduation and I actually encourage it in most cases because taking away the financial stress that burdens most college students can be liberating. Sadly… it just wasn’t for me.

12557769_10153280321247411_90593849_oSo to continue on with new beginnings, New Years Eve was a blast but little did I know the events would foreshadow where I am at now.  Hopefully y’all can appreciate irony the same way I do but girls love to take pictures when all dressed up (I mean what is the point of the outfit, if you can’t show it off to everyone *sarcasm*). While taking pictures before leaving I was snapping a picture with my friend, and another decided to jump in. The picture part is not the part that should really alarm anyone, more of the three girls that randomly decided to all be in the same picture. Moving on, after two short weeks and a bump in the road, those same three girls ended up getting a town home together. I couldn’t have been happier.

Along with a new place, I also have a new job. I accepted a position as an intern in December and have just started it this week (currently sitting at my desk now…). I can’t wait for the opportunities this job has to offer and I am excited about all I am going to learn because trust me, it’s going to be a lot.


The little stresses in life our still there but let’s be real, everyone has them and they are always going to be there. It is up to us to choose to stay positive and work through them.

So I encourage anyone still reading to start your new beginning or keep moving forward with it if you already have. I recently read a book that I mentioned in a previous post, RESTLESS by Jennie Allen, and I will be posting what I got from it in my next post so be looking out for that. And remember happiness is the journey, not the destination.



The Grove

Wow, today was just a roller coaster in itself and how else to begin than with the not so exciting details. After pulling (half of) an all-nighter to work on a paper, I had to get up and go to work, and then come home to work on the paper more. Little did I know, that my plans later on in the day would turn out to be even better than I had hoped.

Some girls I know from school had posted a picture to social media not too long ago at an event called “The Grove.” I could see it was a church event and being the curious church lover I am, I googled it. I was completely shocked to see that it was an all girls event that took place once a month at Passion City Church. I still can’t believe I had never heard of the event before. Never the less, I sent out a message to my girlfriends from high school and let them know I really wanted to go.

So the night had finally arrived (tonight), and I was more than excited to get ready and head to The Grove with one of my best friends since high school. I got all dressed up not knowing what to expect and when we got there the place was just beautiful. I can see why people love the church so much and the event had such an amazing turnout. The place was so packed that they had to open up the overflow room!

The night started just like any Sunday service would with a wonderful worship. The band was just incredible and had such an amazing energy and stage presence. Once worship wrapped up, they got down to business and announced who the guest speaker would be for the evening and it was a Mrs. Jennie Allen. I had never heard of her prior to tonight but now that I have listened to her speak, I am excited to follow her in the future. I even purchased a copy of her book, “Rectless: Because You Were Made For More,” which I am excited to crack open.

The service focused on our individual ambitions and purpose for our lives and this was so great and easy to relate to with my transition from college to the real world so close. There are so many things that we use as excuses to hold us back from going out and living our life’s purpose, such as: doubt, insecurities, work, school, a lack of resources, relationships, and many more. It is in these excuses that we really restrain ourselves from going out and making our lives exactly what we want them to be.

Jennie was asked at one point if she believed that suffering was a vital part of becoming who we are and she without hesitation said, “YES.” Everyone in life is going to go through struggles and suffer through situations, whether it be in your personal life or watching someone you hold close to you heart suffer. We cannot let these challenges hold us back, we have to take the hardships and obstacles that God places in front of us and use them for His exact intentions. Those intentions are to make us STRONGER.

We hear all the time that, God gives His hardest battles to His toughest soldiers, and we are all fighting hard battles. Use these times to rise up. The struggles we face and overcome can lead us to spread the word of God and how our faith in Him helped us overcome the suffering.

“Everything will be okay in the end, if it is not okay, it is not the end.” – John Lennon

Let your soul rest easy with the lord. I know that I find my peace in hard times, by looking to Him. I do not pray for Him to make life easier or to give me all of the answers. I pray to Him that He guide me safely through the struggles, help me learn from the lessons He is teaching me, and find clarity in the situations I may not understand.

He was so present tonight at The Grove with all of us women. Final prayers and worship were enough to move me to tears, and that is such a beautiful thing. I am so excited for The Grove’s to come and to be able to invite and share that with the women in my life that are so important to me.

I am with you, and will keep you wherever you go.” – Genesis 28:15

Stay Blessed

That’s What I Love About Sunday’s.


I am going to shift away from the devotional book for this post just because today’s service was way too uplifting not you share.

I went to church today with my boyfriend and his lovely family. I have been going to church somewhat regularly since I graduated high school and it has been one of the greater changes I have made in my life. I was a little anxious and nervous to go to his church because I have just become so accustomed to my own and I felt like I might be missing out on a service at mine that could really speak to me. I was more than pleasantly proven wrong…

As soon as I saw the title of the series [Intersect], I knew God had been listening to all my little thoughts. I am constantly amazed by His presence and the way He hears our inner most thoughts and shows us He is listening.

“Behold, The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” – John 1:29

I have been incredibly blessed over the past few months, and while I know life is a blessing in itself, God has so carefully placed the most wonderful people around me to inspire such a positive change in my life. From my friends [old & new], to family, my boyfriend & his family that has become like my own, I am beyond surrounded with love.

In service today, everyone acknowledged that our pasts are not always squeaky clean. Everyone sins. It is in our human nature to sin, but we have to remember that he forgives. I myself have not always made the best decisions, and I am guilty of carrying those with me. It is so hard to let go of the things we have done, especially when we don’t know how they will affect the relationships and aspects in our lives.

We as people have a tendency to hang out to those moments of our past that hold us back. But while we are busy hanging on to those past mistakes, God has already forgotten ad forgiven. The pastor Mike said, “The only sin He can’t carry, is the one I keep to myself.” We have to love ourselves enough to let go of the things we cannot change in order to see a brighter tomorrow.

We touched on three key points in service:

  1. My sin isn’t too heavy for him.
  2. He will help me change.
  3. He wants me to intersect with others, so they might know him.

The positivity that consumes my life right now is just breath-taking. There is nothing greater or more reassuring than God’s undeniable love, and while you don’t have to go to church every Sunday to show your love of God, it is a fantastic reminder of just how present he really is. It is never too late for a fresh start.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5

He STILL loves.


Credits: NorthStar Church, Kennesaw, Ga.

The First

I have always dabbled with the idea of starting a blog and I am not entirely sure if I just wanted to see what all the hype was about, or if it just seemed like a great way to get some of my thoughts out of my head and out in the world. Either way, here I am and I am excited to share little bits and pieces of my life with those who care to read.

I have begun to read simply a page a day in the book, “365 Devotions to EMBRACE what matters most,” by John Michalak. It is a cute little devotional book, that like the title, tells you daily the things in your life that should matter the most. It begins with YOU.

“Self-worth is so vital to your |happiness|. If you don’t feel good about YOU, it is hard to feel good about anything else.” – Mandy Hale.

There are so many people in this world that it’s easy to lose a sense of who you are in a sea of people trying to be what society wants them to be. I can’t say I have never jumped on the new style’s train a time… or ten, but it has always been important to me to be true to myself. Being sympathetic and understanding is such an important quality to hang onto because everyone is fighting their own personal life battles. Being who YOU are supposed to be is key to a life of happiness.

Everyone hurts… I have hurt, and I have been hurt, but I have also succeeded. I have a personality that screams out at times, and runs and hides during others. I have overcome obstacle in life with family, school, friends, and love. It is these battles and accomplishments that have shaped me into who I am today.

It is hard to be a bright shining color in a world of black, white, and gray, but there is nothing more rewarding than finding that bright color in the life you live and sharing it with everyone you encounter. Everyone matters… I matter & YOU matter.

“The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” Jeremiah 31:3

He loves